Difference between revisions of "Template:Mc charinfo"

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(57 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{Character infobox
|bodystyle = background:#E5FFE5
|colorlight = #F2FFE5
|abovestyle = background:#87FF87
|colordark = #9AC96A
|headerstyle = background:#87FF87
|name = {{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}
|labelstyle = text-align:right
|ign = {{{ign|}}}
|above = {{{name|}}}
|discord = {{{discord|}}}
|subheader = {{{ign|}}}
|image = {{{image|}}}
|subheader = {{{discord|}}}
|caption = {{{caption|}}}
|image = [[File:{{{|image}}}]]
|affie = {{MeadowClan}}
|lastknown = {{{lastknown|}}}
|pastaffie = {{{pastaffie|}}}
|header1 = Affiliations
|label2 = Current:
|data2 = {{Mc_allegiance}}
|label4 = Last known:
|data4 = {{{lastknown|}}}
|label6 = Past:
|data6 = {{{pastaffie|}}}
|data7 = {{{pastaffie|}}}
|data8 = {{{pastaffie|}}}
|age = {{{age|}}}
|death = {{{death|}}}
|second cause of death = {{{second cause of death|}}}
|spirit death = {{{spirit death|}}}
|religion =
|accent =
|kit = {{{kit|}}}
|apprentice = {{{apprentice|}}}
|warrior = {{{warrior|}}}
|senior warrrior = {{{senior warrrior|}}}
|deputy = {{{deputy|}}}
|leader = {{{leader|}}}
|elder = {{{elder|}}}
|queen = {{{queen|}}}
|mc = {{{mc|}}}
|mca = {{{mca|}}}
|lc = {{{lc|}}}
|sf = {{{sf|}}}
|loner = {{{loner|}}}
|rogue= {{{rogue|}}}
|kittypet = {{{kittypet|}}}
|aliases = {{{aliases|}}}
|ghost = {{{ghost|}}}
|header9 = Biographical Information
|mother = {{{mother|}}}
|label10 = Age:
|father = {{{father|}}}
|data10 = age
|parent = {{{parent|}}}
|label12 = Cause of death:
|parents = {{{parents|}}}
|data12 = death
|foster mother = {{{foster mother|}}}
|label14 = Second cause of death:
|foster mothers = {{{foster mothers|}}}
|data14 = second cause of death
|foster father = {{{foster father|}}}
|label16 = Spirit death
|foster fathers = {{{foster fathers|}}}
|data16 = spirit death
|foster parent = {{{foster parent|}}}
|label18 = Beliefs:
|foster parents = {{{foster parents|}}}
|data18 = {{{religion|[[LightClan]]}}}
|adopted mother = {{{adopted mother|}}}
|adopted mothers = {{{adopted mothers|}}}
|adopted father = {{{adopted father|}}}
|adopted fathers = {{{adopted fathers|}}}
|adopted parent = {{{adopted parent|}}}
|adopted parents = {{{adopted parents|}}}
|sister = {{{sister|}}}
|sisters = {{{sisters|}}}
|brother = {{{brother|}}}
|brothers = {{{brothers|}}}
|sibling = {{{sibling|}}}
|siblings = {{{siblings|}}}
|foster brother = {{{foster brother|}}}
|foster brothers = {{{foster brothers|}}}
|foster sister = {{{foster sister|}}}
|foster sisters = {{{foster sisters|}}}
|foster sibling= {{{foster sibling|}}}
|foster siblings = {{{foster siblings|}}}
|adopted brother= {{{adopted brother|}}}
|adopted brothers = {{{adopted brothers|}}}
|adopted sister = {{{adopted sister|}}}
|adopted sisters= {{{adopted sisters|}}}
|adopted sibling= {{{adopted sibling|}}}
|adopted siblings = {{{adopted siblings|}}}
|half-sister= {{{half-sister|}}}
|half-sisters = {{{half-sisters|}}}
|half-brother = {{{half-brother|}}}
|half-brothers = {{{half-brothers|}}}
|half-sibling = {{{half-sibling|}}}
|half-siblings = {{{half-siblings|}}}
|header19 = Names
|mate = {{{mate|}}}
|label20 = Kit:
|mates = {{{mates|}}}
|data20 = {{{kit|}}}
|former mate = {{{former mate|}}}
|label22 = Apprentice:
|former mates = {{{former mates|}}}
|data22 = apprentice
|partner = {{{partner|}}}  
|label24 = Warrior:
|partners = {{{partners|}}}  
|data24 = {{{warrior|}}}
|label26 = Senior warrior:
|data26 = {{{senior warrrior|}}}
|label28 = Deputy:
|data28 = {{{deputy|}}}
|label30 = Leader:
|data30 = {{{leader|}}}
|label32 = Elder:
|data32 = {{{elder|}}}
|label34 = Queen:
|data34 = {{{queen|}}}
|label36 = Medicine cat:
|data36 = {{{mc|}}}
|label38 = Medicine cat apprentice:
|data38 = {{{mca|}}}
|label40 = LightClan resident:
|data40 = {{{lc|}}}
|label42 = Shadow forest resident:
|data42 = {{{sf|}}}
|label44 = Loner:
|data44 = {{{loner|}}}
|label46 = Rogue:
|data46 = {{{rogue|}}}
|label48 = Kittypet:
|data48 = {{{kittypet|}}}
|label50 = Known as:
|data50 = {{{aliases|}}}
|label52 = Ghost:
|data52 = {{{ghost|}}}
|header = Kin
|daughter = {{{daughter|}}} 
|label54 = Mother:
|daughters = {{{daughters|}}}
|data54 = {{{mother|}}}
|son = {{{son|}}} 
|label56 = Father:
|sons = {{{sons|}}}
|data56 = {{{father|}}}
|child = {{{child|}}}
|label58 = Parent:
|children = {{{children|}}}
|data58 = {{{parent|}}}
|foster daughter = {{{foster daughter|}}}
|label60 = Parents:
|foster daughters = {{{foster daughters|}}}
|data60 = {{{parents|}}}
|foster son = {{{foster son|}}}
|label62 = Foster mother:
|foster sons = {{{foster sons|}}}
|data62 = {{{foster mother|}}}
|foster kit = {{{foster kit|}}}
|label64 = Foster mothers:
|foster kits = {{{foster kits|}}}
|data64 = {{{foster mothers|}}}
|adopted daughter = {{{adopted daughter|}}}
|label66 = Foster father:
|adopted daughters = {{{adopted daughters|}}}
|data66 = {{{foster father|}}}
|adopted son = {{{adopted son|}}}
|label68 = Foster fathers:
|adopted sons = {{{adopted sons|}}}
|data68 = {{{foster fathers|}}}
|adopted kit = {{{adopted kit|}}}
|label70 = Foster parent:
|adopted kits = {{{adopted kits|}}}
|data70 = {{{foster parent|}}}
|label72 = Foster parents:
|data72 = {{{foster parents|}}}
|label74 = Adopted mother:
|data74 = {{{adopted mother|}}}
|label76 = Adopted mothers:
|data76 = {{{adopted mothers|}}}
|label78 = Adopted father:
|data78 = {{{adopted father|}}}
|label80 = Adopted fathers:
|data80 = {{{adopted fathers|}}}
|label82 = Adopted parent:
|data82 = {{{adopted parent|}}}
|label84 = Adopted parents:
|data84 = {{{adopted parents|}}}
|label86 = Sister:
|mentor = {{{mentor|}}}   
|data86 = {{{sister|}}}
|mentors = {{{mentors|}}}   
|label88 = Sisters:
|unofficial mentor = {{{unofficial mentor|}}}   
|data88 = {{{sisters|}}}
|unofficial mentors = {{{unofficial mentors|}}}   
|label90 = Brother:
|temporary mentor = {{{temporary mentor|}}}   
|data90 = {{{brother|}}}
|temporary mentors = {{{temporary mentors|}}}   
|label92 = Brothers:
|lcmentor= {{{lcmentor|}}}   
|data92 = {{{brothers|}}}
|lcmentors = {{{lcmentors|}}}   
|label94 = Sibling:
|sfmentor = {{{sfmentor|}}}   
|data94 = {{{sibling|}}}
|sfmentors = {{{sfmentors|}}}
|label96 = Siblings:
|data96 = {{{siblings|}}}
|label98 = Foster brother:
|data98 = {{{foster brother|}}}
|label100 = Foster brothers:
|data100 = {{{foster brothers|}}}
|label102 = Foster sister:
|data102 = {{{foster sister|}}}
|label104 = Foster sisters:
|data104 = {{{foster sisters|}}}
|label106 = Foster sibling:
|data106 = {{{foster sibling|}}}
|label108 = Foster siblings:
|data108 = {{{foster siblings|}}}
|label110 = Adopted brother:
|data110 = {{{adopted brother|}}}
|label112 = Adopted brothers:
|data112 = {{{adopted brothers|}}}
|label114 = Adopted sister:
|data114 = {{{adopted sister|}}}
|label116 = Adopted sisters:
|data116 = {{{adopted sisters|}}}
|label118 = Adopted sibling:
|data118 = {{{adopted sibling|}}}
|label120 = Adopted siblings:
|data120 = {{{adopted siblings|}}}
|label122 = Half-sister:
|data122 = {{{half-sister|}}}
|label124 = Half-sisters:
|data124 = {{{half-sisters|}}}
|label126 = Half-brother:
|data126 = {{{half-brother|}}}
|label128 = Half-brothers:
|data128 = {{{half-brothers|}}}
|label130 = Half-sibling:
|data130 = {{{half-sibling|}}}
|label132 = Half-siblings:
|data132 = {{{half-siblings|}}}
|label134 = Mate:
|data134 = {{{mate|}}} 
|label136 = Mates:
|data136 = {{{mates|}}} 
|label138 = Former mate:
|data138 = {{{former mate|}}} 
|label140 = Former mates:
|data140 = {{{former mates|}}} 
|label142 = Partner:
|data142 = {{{partner|}}} 
|label144 = Partners:
|data144 = {{{partners|}}}
|label146 = Daughter:
|data146 = {{{daughter|}}} 
|label148 = Daughters:
|data148 = {{{daughters|}}} 
|label150 = Son:
|data150 = {{{son|}}} 
|label152 = Sons:
|data152 = {{{sons|}}} 
|label154 = Kit:
|data154 = {{{kit|}}} 
|label156 = Kits:
|data156 = {{{kits|}}} 
|label158 = Foster daughter:
|data158 = {{{foster daughter|}}} 
|label160 = Foster daughters:
|data160 = {{{foster daughters|}}} 
|label162 = Foster son:
|data162 = {{{foster son|}}} 
|label164 = Foster sons:
|data164 = {{{foster sons|}}} 
|label166 = Foster kit:
|data166 = {{{foster kit|}}} 
|label168 = Foster kits:
|data168 = {{{foster kits|}}} 
|label170 = Adopted daughter:
|data172 = {{{adopted daughter|}}} 
|label174 = Adopted daughters:
|data174 = {{{adopted daughters|}}} 
|label176 = Adopted son:
|data176 = {{{adopted son|}}} 
|label178 = Adopted sons:
|data178 = {{{adopted sons|}}} 
|label180 = Adopted kit:
|data180 = {{{adopted kit|}}} 
|label182 = Adopted kits:
|data182 = {{{adopted kits|}}} 
|header183 = Education
|label184 = Mentor:
|data184 = {{{mentor|}}}   
|label186 = Mentors:
|data186 = {{{mentor|}}}   
|label188 = Unofficial mentor:
|data188 = {{{unofficial mentor|}}}   
|label190 = Unofficial mentors:
|data190 = {{{unofficial mentors|}}}   
|label192 = Temporary mentor:
|data192 = {{{temporary mentor|}}}   
|label194 = Temporary mentors:
|data194 = {{{temporary mentors|}}}   
|label196 = LightClan mentor:
|data196 = {{{lcmentor|}}}   
|label198 = LightClan mentors:
|data198 = {{{lcmentors|}}}   
|label200 = Shadow Forest mentor:
|data200 = {{{sfmentor|}}}   
|label202 = Shadow Forest mentors:
|data202 = {{{sfmentors|}}}
|label204 = Apprentice:
|app = {{{app|}}}   
|data204 = {{{app|}}}   
|apps = {{{apps|}}}   
|label206 = Apprentices:
|unofficial app = {{{unofficial app|}}}   
|data206 = {{{apps|}}}   
|label208 = Unofficial apprentice:
|data208 = {{{unofficial app|}}}   
|label210 = Unofficial apprentices:
|data210 = {{{unofficial apps|}}}   
|data210 = {{{unofficial apps|}}}   
|label212 = Temporary apprentice:
|data212 = {{{temporary app|}}}   
|data212 = {{{temporary app|}}}   
|label214 = Temporary apprentices:
|data214 = {{{temporary apps|}}}   
|data214 = {{{temporary apps|}}}   
|label216 = LightClan apprentice:
|data216 = {{{lcapp|}}}   
|data216 = {{{lcapp|}}}   
|label218 = LightClan apprentices:
|data218 = {{{lcapps|}}}   
|data218 = {{{lcapp|}}}   
|label220 = Shadow Forest apprentice:
|data220 = {{{sfapp|}}}   
|data220 = {{{sfapp|}}}   
|label222 = Shadow Forest apprentices:
|data222 = {{{sfapps|}}}
|data222 = {{{sfapp|}}}
|header223 = Positions
|labelstyle = text-align:center; text-weight:normal
|datastyle = text-align:center
|data224 = {{{position1|}}}
|position1 = {{{position1|}}}
|label226 = {{{precededby1}}}
|precededby1 = {{{precededby1|}}}
|data226 = {{{succeededby1|}}}
|succeededby1 = {{{succeededby1|}}}
|data228 = {{{position2|}}}
|position2 = {{{position2|}}}
|label230 = {{{precededby2}}}
|precededby2 = {{{precededby2|}}}
|data230 = {{{succeededby2|}}}
|succeededby2 = {{{succeededby2|}}}
|data232 = {{{position3|}}}
|position3 = {{{position3|}}}
|label234 = {{{precededby3}}}
|precededby3 = {{{precededby3|}}}
|data234 = {{{succeededby3|}}}
|succeededby3 = {{{succeededby3|}}}
|data236 = {{{position4|}}}
|position4 = {{{position4|}}}
|label238 = {{{precededby4}}}
|precededby4 = {{{precededby4|}}}
|data238 = {{{succeededby4|}}}
|succeededby4 = {{{succeededby4|}}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Template infobox]]</noinclude>
{{category handler|[[Category:MeadowClan Characters]]}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Template infobox]]{{documentation}}</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 10:57, 18 April 2020

Mc charinfo
Current:MeadowClan.png MeadowClan
Biographical Information
Roleplayed by:
50px Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This is an infobox template for MeadowClan characters. For other charinfo infoboxes and an example of a charinfo infobox, see Template:Character infobox. For a template for MeadowClan cats, see below.

Template Code

Remove any that you aren't using.

{{Mc charinfo
|name=character name (defaults to PAGENAME)
|ign=minecraft ign
|discord = discord
|image=image name
<!-- Affiliation -->
|affie=current affiliation
|lastknown=last known affiliation
|pastaffie=past groups
<!-- Bio -->
|age=Character age
|death=Killed by (event, disease, etc.)
|second cause of death=Second cause of death (
|spirit death = Cause of spirit death
|religion = Beliefs (lightclan, shadow forest, etc.)

<!-- Names -->
|kit=kit name
|apprentice=apprentice name
|warrior=warrior name
|senior warrior=senior warrior name
|deputy=deputy name
|leader=leader name, both Clan and individual group
|mca=medicine cat apprentice name
|medicine cat=full medicine cat name
|queen=queen name
|elder=elder name
|sfresident=Shadow Forest name
|lcresident=LightClan name
|ghost=ghost cat
|loner=loner name
|rogue=rogue name
|kittypet=kittypet name
|alias=a name that the character goes by, that isn't the character's actual name (For example, if Mousehawk was known by Claw as 'Chirp'. Does not include nicknames that are short for actual names)
|aliases= see above
<!--End Names-->
<!-- Kin -->
|foster mother=
|foster mothers=
|foster father=
|foster fathers= 
|foster parent=
|foster parents=
|former mate= 
|former mates= 
|foster daughter= 
|foster daughters= 
|foster son= 
|foster sons= 
|foster kit= 
|foster kits=
<!--End Kin-->
<!-- Education -->
|mentor =  
|mentors =  
|unofficial mentor =  
|unofficial mentors = 
|temporary mentor =  
|temporary mentors = 
|lcmentor =  
|lcmentors = 
|sfmentor = 
|sfmentors = 
|app = 
|apps = 
|unofficial app = 
|unofficial apps = 
|temporary app =
|temporary apps =
|lcapp = 
|lcapps = 
|sfapp = 
|sfapps = 
<!--End Education-->